Monday, November 8, 2010

Seeing Eye Dog

Story continued from Picture Yourself In A Boat On A River

This story really begins way back in about 1993, when I first started on my journey to know God, and met a man named Robert.  Neither of us can remember the details of exactly when or where we met, but I believe, and I think Robert would agree, that a lifelong friendship was started then.  I remember long, beautiful rides on the back of his Harley into the north Georgia mountains in the fall, and a trip to Washington, D.C. for Rolling Thunder on Memorial Day, 1994.

Robert and I lost touch for many years, and were recently reunited at a birthday party for some mutual friends.  It was then that I heard a wonderful story about Robert's dog, Murphy.  I can't tell the story as well as Robert can, but it goes something like this:

It was Robert's birthday, and he went for a walk in the woods in his neighborhood.  Along the path, he found a dog who had been brutally beaten in the head with a sledgehammer.  He took the dog to a vet, who told him he could either have the dog put down or they would give him an estimate of the cost to care for the dog.  "But it was my birthday!," Robert says, "And I couldn't let the dog be put down on my birthday!"  The vet's estimate was about $3,000. 

Meanwhile, the police and local news media were called.  The story made national news.

Murphy the Dog

Donations came pouring in, an account was set up for Murphy at Wachovia, and Robert says about $37,000 was given to Murphy. Murphy ended up losing his left eye. The vet bill ended up being about $10,000, and Robert keeps the rest in the account in case Murphy has any future medical bills.

UPDATED: Dog Beaten With Sledgehammer, Recovering – Local Story

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